I know you guys only took a break because I was serving a mission. I feel really strongly that we reunite. Plus, I saw Candace @ the craft store. I saw Brody and Bingham Call driving up 27th and I thought of Amy, I run by Jackie’s kershaw house. GUYS, those is a sign, plus.. I MISS THEM,,, and Candace is running out of cards!
Becky says
I just sold all mine, so I definitley need more for my file.
jackie says
Alright, what day works best for all…I’ll do it! How is like a Friday? I know it’s a weekend but everyone else usually has other weeknight things….anyways..I’ll pick a few days and send out a mass email and see what works! Good job Jenny getting the ball rollin!!!
Amy says
I am in! Just let me know when.
Erik and Candace says
Amen Jenny! I’ll make anyday work for new cards and good friends! I just need a little notice to get work off!