I was a tiny bit sad last night.
It’s been a different November for me,
but bearable to say the least.
So here I am…. feeling sad things and thoughts..
I read the book of mormon for a bit and then I read about pioneers,
and my sadness turned to gratitude and I feel bad for even being sad.
I have no reason to.
I can’t imagine a life like theirs.
Forgive me for my ingratitude…again….
On another note… heard this song… and favorite part of the song is the following quote.
I’ve been an other and I’ve been a lover.
It’s a fair true statement.
One time I liked a boy who never liked me back.
and I held onto EVERYTHING.
But one time I liked a guy who like me back.
We held on to everything.
It’s easier to hold with two pairs of hands, instead of two lonely hands.