Because he kind of has a soul like mine.
I want many more of them things.
Okay.Here.We. Go
one minute before answering,
and more come to you, even after
you respond once,
please comment
as often as something comes
to your mind. please.
Being alone and lonely during these holidays.
The snow covers up Mother Earth as it prepares for Spring.
Water becomes ice.
The sun shines but it’s difficult to feel the literal warm or for
it to warm you up.
you miss doing
when you were single?
It doesn’t matter how bad I feel for myself. Or the heart of mine that is being mended, continually,
it’s either breaking all the time or enlarging, because to be honest, this mending feels like it’s happening
all the time. And I hope its me turning my will to my loving Father in Heaven’s will, and in that case
I’d pursue a lifetime of mending, altering, cutting, breaking, bleeding and being, just to be sure I am
I need to be in mortality. But on the other hand………………………………………I’m still vulnerable…
it’s everything that I need according to
and then your plate of food if you don’t.
So I keep this little spot empty and clean.
Amy Scerra says
This was beautiful. you certainly have, and deserve, more love. it will come you way. You're beautiful in ever way!